“The Truth About Success” by Rich Rudnick

“The Truth About Success” by Rich Rudnick

When I ask someone, “If you could do anything career wise what would you do?”  Almost without exception, I get a response of “running their own business or being their own boss.”  My next question is  “What does success mean or look like to you?”  This is often followed by a variety of  descriptions, usually involving wealth, notoriety, fame, happiness and yes, generous giving.  It is easy for most people to see and dream of arriving at their destiny.  When I challenge them with, “What will you have to go through to achieve your success and are you willing to endure and pay the price?” is where  most have difficulty clarifying or realistically assessing the sacrifice, pain and hardship required to reach their success dream.

Most of the time spent with my most successful clients are with underwater issues.  One reason why successful people have a coach is to help navigate, guide, encourage, redirect, motivate and speak the truth while they are battling through their challenges.   This is what separates Achievers (those who realize their success and dream) from Dreamers, those who can only see the successful end but lack the discipline to realize it.  Dreamers end up drowning when under water, while achievers find a way to adjust and breathe normally, keeping the end result in focus. What happens when you are underwater?

Do you consider yourself to be an Achiever or Dreamer? Complete this Checklist and schedule a no obligation 30 minute Complimentary Session with one of Our Coaches to determine a plan that will increase the likelihood your success is achieved.

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