I was entrenched in memories last week with the 10th anniversary of 9/11.  Beyond the horror and tragedy, I was captivated by the heroic stories and the perseverance so many survivors had to endure to survive and even continue on in life.  One of our motivational quotes last week was from Winston Churchill when he simply said to rally his fellow Brit’s to continue fighting the seemingly undefeatable Nazi’s: “Never, never, never quit.”

The starting quarterback for Florida State kept playing in the game against Oklahoma Saturday even though it was obvious his shoulder was giving him excruciating pain.  It is the same way in our business.  Like our allies in Britain, the 9/11 survivors or athletes playing in pain we need to keep persevering on even when it hurts.

Some experts are now saying we have a 50/50 chance of a double dip recession or worse.  For some of you it may feel like you are heading out into the ocean in a row boat with a Tsunami heading your way and there are Crocodiles waiting for you on the shore.  Persevering on (even if it hurts)  will deepen your character and give you hope which just might mean the difference in getting the breakthrough you need to not only survive but actually thrive even if the dreaded double dip occurs.  Remember it is not what the market is doing that makes the difference but what you are doing in the market that makes the difference. Let’s do some extra persevering and prove the “experts” wrong and turn this economy around in spite of the conditions!