If you were your prospect, would you buy from you?

If you were your prospect, would you buy from you?

Put yourself in your prospect’s shoes.  You are being approached by you for the first time, what initial impression are you giving?   Are you as the prospect, feeling like you the Sales Professional, are aware of your body language, pace and genuine concern for your needs?

As you continue on, is your confidence growing in your skill, ability and professionalism to deliver appropriately what you want or need?  Are you asking the right questions to determine your need/pain, interest in doing business with you, motivation and ability;  so you can appropriately meet your need and deliver the right product/service?

Looking in the mirror by listening to video/audio recordings and receiving feedback from observers,  your prospects etc., will give you a realistic assessment of how you are executing at key points of the sales process.  Warning: This May Be a Painful Process! The truth can hurt where improvement areas are concerned.  We all have our preconceived notions on how we are doing.  In most cases, we think we are doing better than we actually are.

To ensure you are playing your “A” game, make sure and do one or all of the following disciplines Top Producers do:

  • Record your sales calls.  This easy and often overlooked step will let you hear how you sound over the phone, how well you are listening, blending your behavior and following your script.  
  • Videotape your presentation.  If possible, record with a real prospect if you can or with a role play partner.  This will show your body language, posture, and facial expressions as well as your prospect’s. 
  • Role play with observers. Take turns in your roles and give honest feedback.  This will sharpen everyone’s skill set. 
  • Get feedback from your Team Leader/Coach.  Ask them to listen in on your live and recorded calls and welcome their feedback.    

Although uncomfortable and at times painful, if you embrace and apply the lessons from these disciplines, you will find your sales conversions increasing including with yourself!  You will feel pain.  It’s better to feel the pain of discipline rather than the pain of regret of not assessing your skills and allowing missed sales to continue slipping away.  If you want help looking in the mirror by applying these key disciplines, Contact Us  today and schedule a complimentary session with one of Our Coaches.  The pain will be worth it!

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