Is your attitude and mindset in the right place?

Is your attitude and mindset in the right place?

90% of the battle we wage within our business or on the sales gridiron is won or lost between our ears.  Our attitude will determine our altitude.  It can be the difference between soaring like an eagle or flop around the ground like a turkey.  Attitude isn’t everything but it is the difference maker and if you are committed to advancing your business it is imperative you are seeing the opportunities in the challenges.

Honestly rank yourself on the following statements on a scale of 1-5 (1=poor, 5 =excellent) your attitude/mindset:

  1. You consistently see the opportunity in the problem.
  2. You see how your attitude determines your altitude or success level.
  3. You spend more time encouraging and motivating others than others motivating/encouraging you.
  4. You positively project yourself, company, product and opportunities.
  5. You positively confront the brutal facts and don’t let Pollyanna cloud reality.

If you scored yourself lower than a 3 on any of the above then click on

The Attitude/Mindset Improvement Exercise

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