Quote for 5/13/19

“A business absolutely devoted to service will have only one worry about profits. They will be embarrassingly large.”– Henry Ford

Ad from the past:

Action Plan for the week:

  1. Send out a Client Survey asking for honest feedback on your service. 
  2. Determine any thought, systems or processes that you have held on to that aren’t applicable or generating results today and make appropriate adjustments.

Question/thought for the day:

What lessons can you learn from Henry Ford and apply today?  What are you doing well, where can you improve?  https://grasshopper.com/blog/useful-business-lessons-from-henry-ford-historys-best-entrepreneur/

Did you know:

Most Top Producers hire a Coach to help them reach their goals and go to the next level. Success leaves clues. If you want to be a Top Producer, do what Top Producers do and hire a coach. You owe it to yourself to find out what coaching is all about. Wisdom says, “Get all the information before you decide what to do or what not to do.” Click on the link below for your free complimentary coaching session.

To schedule a Complimentary Session with one of Our CoachesContact Us Today!